Communication, Cognitive, & Swallowing Therapy for Adults in Lawrence, KS
Speech Solutions specializes in adult speech therapy tailored to your or your loved one's unique needs.
Articulation Disorders • Stuttering • Dysarthria • Aphasia • Stroke Recovery • Executive Functioning • TBI • AAC • Cognition • Memory • Dementia • Parkinson's Disease • Dysphagia/Swallowing
Communication Disorders
At Speech Solutions, we specialize in adult speech therapy to help adults who are experiencing challenges with speech intelligibility, expressive and receptive language, reading, and written expression. We take a client-focused approach, selecting activities that resonate with our clients and will help them develop or regain skills that will have a positive impact on their daily lives. In therapy, we will work on skills such as:
Improving overall speech clarity
Correct pronunciation of specific sounds and words
Word-finding ability
Verbal or written expression of thoughts, needs, and wants
Receptive language skills for following directions, answering questions, and participating more actively in conversations
Reading skills with a focus on practical and personal materials, such as recipes, menus, medication labels, etc.
Cognitive Disorders
At Speech Solutions, our speech therapy for adults extends to those experiencing changes or declines in their cognitive skills, often resulting from illness, medical events, or conditions like dementia or Parkinson's disease.
Our client-focused approach ensures that therapy activities are meaningful and directly beneficial to our clients and their support networks. Through personalized therapy sessions, we engage in both structured and flexible activities aimed at enhancing cognitive abilities, including:
Developing strategies to organize thoughts and solve problems more effectively
Exercises to strengthen memory and use memory strategies
Practicing skills such as reading medication labels, filling pill boxes, and managing schedules to support increased independence
Activities like balancing a checkbook and writing checks to enhance autonomy in financial affairs

Swallowing Disorders
Speech Solutions offers specialized speech therapy for swallowing to assist individuals experiencing changes or declines in their swallowing abilities. This may be due to illness, acute medical events, or chronic conditions like dementia or Parkinson's disease.
Using evidence-based approaches tailored to each client's needs, we help clients develop safe and effective swallowing skills. Speech therapy for swallowing will focus on:
Ensuring the safe consumption of food and liquids
Dietary recommendations on the safest and least restrictive diet consistencies for each client
Providing coaching and patient education on recognizing the signs and symptoms of aspiration
Offering strategies to reduce the risk of aspiration
Teaching positioning, use of adaptive equipment, and exercises to strengthen and coordinate the mechanisms involved in swallowing
Our speech therapists will refer to Lawrence Memorial Hospital as needed for Modified Barium Swallow Study